Spring has arrived and with warmer weather vines awake and start their new life cycle. Dormant vines start to circulate sap and carry important nutrients through the sleepy vine to help buds break through after a long slumber.
Bud break is when the leafy tips become visible and start to emerge from the buds. Various cultivars demonstrate bud break differently, some emerge as hair-covered cones while others show a clear green tip. There is no mistaking this vitality as vineyards come to life and tiny buds explode into young grape leaves.
Depending on the microclimate, soil temperature, elevation and variety bud break starts anytime from September to October and it is an extremely delicate time for the vineyard. There are some pruning techniques in winter that can help delay bud break to avoid colder days that could still damage the fragile young leaves.
In a few weeks leaves multiply and vineyards are filled with vibrance. This sets the stage for the productive season … and we know a great wine starts in the vineyard!